There was lots of reminiscing this week at Farnham Mill, we remembered all the chores we used to do around our homes and gardens.  We even helped our housekeeping team by folding laundry for them and polished brass and silverware.  However, there was lots of fun, laughter, singing and dancing this week as well and one of our fabulous singers performed for us on Wednesday. Residents from Woodlands joined us for a delicious afternoon tea on Friday.  So many things going on this week at Farnham Mill.

Monday 6 February, some residents went outside for their morning walk.  We managed to see the ducks snoozing in the early morning sunshine.

We were pleased to welcome back our music therapist.  She enjoyed working with some of our residents in our activities room where they were able to interact and play percussion instruments.

In the afternoon ‘Sarah’s Squeaky Clean Glasses Cleaning Trolley’ visited residents around the home.  So often our glasses get smeared and greasy and it was lovely to have her give our specs a bit of a polish.  A great opportunity to have a chat as well.

Tuesday 7 February, the residents enjoyed a Home Cleaning Quiz in the morning.  So many jobs around the house we don’t have to worry about now.

In the afternoon there were various activities for residents such as a walk in the garden or a game of balloon bounce.  Some decided they were happy just chatting with new friends in the lounge with a glass of wine – Cheers !

Wednesday 8 February, it was our monthly residents meeting.  All residents are invited to join Alison to discuss food, activities, be introduced to new staff and just share our views.

In the afternoon we welcomed our singer, Ray Lowe.  He sang all our favourite Swing songs, and we were able to sing along and dance as well.  We love these afternoons where we all get together.

Thursday 9 February, after some walks outside we all had a go at folding the laundry.  This certainly brought back memories for us, and we all shared stories of how we would help our mums and then do the same tasks when we had our own families.

Thursday afternoon, we arranged flowers to be distributed around the home.  This is always very popular with our residents and a chance to sit together and share our memories.

Friday 10 February it was time to polish the brass and silverware around the home.  We all decided we were rather pleased we didn’t have to do it anymore!

Friday afternoon we welcomed residents from Woodlands to join us for afternoon tea.  We have built up special friendships with them and love having them come to visit.  It always ends in a singsong before they go.

Saturday 11 February, a chance for residents to enjoy a chat over a cup of tea and we were so pleased to see Tinkerbell in her official Pets As Therapy ‘uniform’.

Sunday 12 February, in the morning, some residents watched the local church service on-line, others played word games in the lounge, did some colouring, puzzles or spent time in the hair salon where they had their hair curled.

In the afternoon some of our ladies gathered for the knitting club.  It’s an opportunity to come together, have a knit and natter and learn from each other.

To keep up to date with our daily activities, photos of our residents are put up daily on Facebook, please follow our Facebook page – Woodlands & Hill Brow Ltd.  Please like and comment as we appreciate any feedback.