This week at Farnham Mill we took time to remember those that we lost in the service of our Country.  We had many recollections of seeing fathers, brothers, and uncles heading off to war and those not able to fight taking up jobs such as Air Raid Warden and working in factories.  We reminisced about rationing and clothing coupons.  However, we raised a smile and danced and sang along to Natasha as she performed her Wartime Show.  We also started making our Christmas cards to sell for the charity – Families Supporting Care – so please look out for them when you visit us.

Monday 7 November and our crafting ladies got busy cutting and painting to make poppy wreaths to decorate the home.  It gave us a chance to reminisce and share our memories.

In the afternoon it was time to concentrate and work together to solve the clues of our giant crossword.  One of the answers was ‘tattoo’ which got us all talking about whether we had any, so our wonderful chef showed us some of his.  It is spur of the moment things like this that make life at Farnham Mill so enjoyable.

On Tuesday 8 November relaxing puzzles and remembrance painting took place on our second floor during the morning.  Always enjoyed with a cup of tea of course.

In the afternoon we had a visit from the pygmy goats.  We love to see them in our home, and we get the chance to offer them treats as well.  They even peered into the hair salon.

We had our baking club with residents making delicious scones to enjoy with a cup of tea.  It’s a great opportunity to share memories and experiences.

Wednesday 9 November and we enjoyed having our nails done.  Some lovely, coloured nail polish to choose from.

In the afternoon students from Lord Wandsworth College came to chat and play games with us.  It’s lovely being able to learn what the students do at school now, very different from when we were there.

Thursday 10 November and we started the morning with walks outside before our Wartime quiz, which turned into a sing-a-long and then a game of I Spy.  We all shared a box of chocolates as well.  Great fun.

We had our monthly residents meeting in the afternoon, which was led by Sarah, Farnham Mills home manager, alongside James, our Hospitality Manager.  They led the discussion about our new winter menu, new staff and future events planned.  Afterwards there were awards presented to staff for their extra care and attention.

We then continued our afternoon with flower arranging.  How lovely it looks with beautiful vases of flowers around our home.

Friday 11 November and it was a day of exercising in many different forms at Farnham Mill.  First, we had some seated stretching, then balloon bounce before we had a little bit of dancing to get us in the mood for the afternoon entertainment.

The afternoon we sang and danced along with Natasha.  She was all dressed up in her uniform as she sang songs from the War Years including our favourites – White Cliffs of Dover and It’s a Long Way to Tipperary.

Saturday 12 November and our first mention of the word ‘Christmas’.  Residents started work on making Christmas cards which we sell to raise funds for the charity – ‘Families Supporting Care’.  It’s important for residents to feel they have a purpose, and this task is both creative and fun.  Please look out for the cards when you visit the home and put your donation in the little box nearby.

In the afternoon we had a wonderful Remembrance theme afternoon tea with delicious cupcakes with edible paper poppies on.  It gave us a chance to make new friends, tell stories of our past and then sing some great songs.  Even our chef joined us so we could tell him how much we loved his cakes.

Sunday 13 November and we all wanted to show our respects and observe the two minute silence,  some residents were able to go to the local church in Badshot Lea, others watched the Cenotaph service on TV.   It was a very moving morning.

In the afternoon residents made the most of the lovely mild weather with walks in the garden.  How we love watching the wildlife here and what a lovely way to end a busy week.