Another busy week at Farnham Mill saw residents singing and dancing along with our entertainer and getting in the mood for our Halloween tea party by making witches hats, painting pumpkins and even seeing a fortune teller.  Let’s hope it was good news all round and that we have many more weeks of fun here.

Monday 24 October and we spent a busy morning decorating our witches’ and wizards’ hats.  We used ribbons and stickers, and all agreed they looked very good on our heads.  Now we just need to learn a few spells.

In the afternoon we welcomed Terry Owens back to sing for us.  It was lovely singing along with him and we all admired his silvery jacket.  We were touched when he gave the ladies red roses, so pretty.

Tuesday 25 October and in the morning, we had the chance to do some jigsaw puzzles or visit our hairdresser, Teresa, in the hair salon.  A nice relaxing start to the day.

In the afternoon our bakers got together to chat, reminisce, and make lovely scones.  We always enjoy sharing them with everyone afterwards.  So tasty.

Wednesday 26 October and instead of carving our pumpkins, we decided to paint them.  This was much easier, and we created some very colourful pumpkins to decorate the home.

In the afternoon some residents sat together and played Scrabble.  There were lots of words being checked in the dictionary!!

Thursday 27 October and some residents started the day with morning walks around the garden.  Then it was time for Halloween Hangman.  Lots of words associated with Halloween such as Broomstick, Cauldron and Dracula.

Thursday afternoon and our florists got together to arrange some beautiful flowers.  One of our ladies made a magnificent Halloween arrangement to be displayed in the main lounge.  Afterwards the tea trolley was supervised by one of our lovely ladies, making sure everyone got their tea or coffee just right.

Friday 28 October and there were lots of relaxing hand massages for our residents.  This is a great sensory experience and a chance for a little one to one time with our staff.

In the afternoon we had our fortunes told – I think everyone was happy with their readings, long and very happy lives for us all at Farnham Mill.

Saturday 29 October and our morning started off with some singing in the lounge, garden walks to top up the bird table and check on our friendly Robin, and chats with each other around the home.

Saturday afternoon and Sarah’s ‘Squeaky Clean Glasses’ cleaning trolley toured the home cleaning everyone’s glasses.  We can all see much better now – we hope she’ll do the rounds again!

Sunday 30 October, the day of our Halloween Tea Party.  There were lots of preparations in the morning, balloons being blown up and tables being decorated.  We were all getting excited to see people dressed up in their costumes.

We were thrilled to see so many of our families join us in the afternoon.  There was a lovely atmosphere and the witches seemed very friendly!  What a way to end a perfect week.