We celebrated St Georges Day at Farnham Mill this week with lots of activities themed around England and St George.
It was a chance to reminisce – we talked about English food such as Lancashire Hotpot and Bubble and Squeak.
We also had our Easter Bonnet Competition on Monday afternoon with our wonderful Home Manager, Sahlee, judged them.
Monday 18 April and we started the day with balloon games. Its such a great way to exercise, we can get a bit competitive but we always have a laugh.
In the afternoon Sahlee, our Home Manager, had the very difficult task of judging our Easter Bonnets. We were very proud of our hard work and it was lovely to all sit together with our bonnets on. We did all look stunning.
In the afternoon we were able to celebrate one of our lovely ladies birthdays. She had had such a busy day with her family on Sunday that we chose to do our celebrations on the Monday.
Tuesday 19 April and we got to colour in some flags and pictures relating to St George. Its very relaxing colouring and also gives us a chance to chat and reminisce.
In the afternoon our Baking Club got together to bake some delicious scones. These always taste delicious when we try them afterwards and share them with other residents.
Other residents had a singalong and played percussion instruments. It was great fun and we all enjoyed ourselves and danced along.
Wednesday 20 April and a chance to enjoy a glass of fresh orange juice early morning watching the ducks on our pond before playing English food hangman. This made us very hungry as we reminisced about our favourite English foods such as Shepherds Pie, Eccles Cakes, Jam Roly Poly and of course, Bangers and Mash. Good job there was a delicious roast for dinner.
Wednesday afternoon and Louis played the piano for us. We enjoy sitting together and listening to his playing and then sang along to our favourites.
Thursday 21 April and we got the morning starting with exercises and balloon games. Its always more fun exercising in a group.
Other residents enjoyed walks in the garden and checking on our plants in the mini greenhouse.
In the afternoon our flower arrangers were busy. Such colourful flowers to arrange in vases and put around the home. A delicious afternoon tea was enjoyed afterwards as well.
Friday 22 April and we enjoyed hand massages before spending the afternoon outside relaxing in the sunshine.
Saturday 23 April – St Georges Day and some residents enjoyed making bracelets. It was very fiddly but we did enjoy being creative. We also did a Giant Crossword in the lounge together. It gets our brains working and we solve the clues together.
In the afternoon we celebrated St Georges Day with a lovely afternoon tea. Our chef had made some lovely tradition Victoria Sponges with fresh strawberries.
Sunday 24 April and some residents enjoyed taking part in our Church Service whilst other residents enjoyed time in the garden. Overall, we relaxed on Sunday and enjoyed thinking about what plans were for the next week.