Another busy week at Farnham Mill saw residents getting together and enjoying making crafts. It’s a great way to socialise, chat and enjoy a cup of tea. We also had a wonderful singer which we all enjoyed and sang along and danced to. Garden walks were also a big part of the week and we enjoyed watching the birds that visit our lovely pond.
Monday 7 March and we started the week with early morning walks in the garden and catching up with friends. Exercise sessions were also taking place around the home.
In the afternoon we spent more time in the garden as it was looking so lovely with the containers full of spring plants. Residents enjoyed a nice cup of tea outside. Later a group of residents played dominoes.
Tuesday 8 March and painting and colouring was underway on the second floor. It is very therapeutic and relaxing.
In the afternoon residents got together for our monthly residents meeting and its chance to hear about future plans and ideas for activities, changes to menus and meeting new staff.
Wednesday 9 March and we made daffodils out of cupcake cases and egg boxes. They brought a bit of spring to the home and adorned our tables.
In the afternoon we had a fantastic swing singer perform for us. Ray sang all our favourite songs by Frank Sinatra, Bobby Darin, Dean Martin and many more. We all sang along and even danced.
Thursday 10 March and in the morning, it was arts and crafts time. Colouring, cutting and gluing were going on around the home.
On other floors ball games took place. It was a chance for a bit of fun and exercise at the same time.
Thursday afternoon and our flower arrangers were busy sorting flowers and putting in vases around the home. Such colourful displays and we finished off with an afternoon tea.
Friday 11 March and we started with balloon bounce. We love this activity as we stretch and reach for the balloon, we always end up laughing as well.
In the afternoon we enjoyed relaxing hand massages, and caught up with our reading.
Saturday 12 March and we started the day with our Giant Crossword. It’s a chance for us to work together and solve the clues. A sense of achievement when we have finished.
In the afternoon we enjoyed a lovely afternoon tea with the tables decorated with bright yellow daffodils picked from our garden. It certainly looks like spring is here.
Sunday morning started with art – lots of painting and colouring of spring flowers. A great activity to do together.
After a delicious roast dinner, we did jigsaw puzzles, looked at magazines and reminisced about famous film stars. It was good recalling our favourite films and songs and a lovely way to end a busy week.