This week at Farnham Mill we have been making the most of the sun and getting out in the garden. We have also been getting creative with our art clubs and enjoying lots of exercise.
Monday, we started with some exercise by hitting the balloon to each other around the lounge. This gets us stretching and moving as well as laughing and interacting with others.
In the afternoon we had some one-to-one time with the activities team and carers. We got dancing, spent time in the garden and enjoyed our sensory cats.
Tuesday morning, we got painting. This is a nice way to unwind and relax as well as chat to fellow residents. Painting is a very popular activities here at Farnham Mill and we all jump at the chance to get our creative side out.
Tuesday afternoon we got out in the garden and enjoyed the company of fellow residents as well as singing lots of songs together. As well as getting out in the garden some of us enjoyed sensory games, this helps us with hand eye coordination as well as having fun at the same time.
Wednesday was time to work as a team as we did jigsaw puzzles together. This brings team work as well as a sense of achievement when we have completed it.
In the afternoon we had one to one time in the garden as we read our newspaper. As well as spending time and chatting with others we went for walks and embraced the garden.
Thursday morning the sun was shinning bright and beautiful. Everyone got out in the garden to watch the ducks and listen to the birds as we enjoyed refreshing drinks. We also had a lovely visit from daisy the dog.
In the afternoon the sun was still shining but some of us decided to stay in the shade of the balcony and play some bowls.
Friday morning was golf club. We worked as a team and helped each other get a hole in one. This brought back memories for us as we spoke about the times, we spent on the golf course.
Friday afternoon we had a lovely trolley go round with lots of different drinks, ice cream and fruit to keep as all hydrated in this warm weather.
Saturday morning, we remembered the 70’s with music and different cards and books. This brought back memories seeing the photos of clothing and house hold items as well as the music getting us singing and dancing.
Saturday was another chance for us to get out in the garden and enjoy the sun. The garden is enjoyed by all here at Farnham Mill and we love talking about our gardens and what we used to have in them.
Sunday was a day full of different activities, some of us spent the day in the garden while others went to church, enjoyed a film, got painting and sensory games.
No matter what we do here at Farnham Mill we always have smiles on our faces and enjoy laughs together.