This week at Farnham Mill the sun has been shining and we have all been making the most of the warmer weather. As well as lots of garden walks and duck watching, residents at Farnham Mill have enjoyed exercise, playground games and lots of singing.

We started the week off with some exercise and stretching for the balloon. Hitting the balloon is a good form of exercise as it gets us reaching for the balloon and stretching up high to reach it.

In the afternoon we created our very own blossom pictures. As the blossom is coming out on the trees we wanted to celebrate and bring the blossom into the home.

Tuesday morning, we got creative again as we made different objects out of plasticine. This was a fiddly job but once we had finished, we felt a good sense of achievement.

In the afternoon we got out into the garden to enjoy some fresh air. We also got to enjoy some scrabble games and one to one time as we looked through our scrapbooks.

Wednesday the sun was shining, some of us decided to sit in the

garden and watch the ducks. We spoke about how we used to feed the ducks with our children and have picnics in the park.

In the afternoon some of us wanted to do some painting, while others decided to do some jigsaw puzzles. This was a nice relaxed afternoon as we could decide what we wanted to do or if we just wanted to sit and rest.

Thursday, we played some good old playground games of hoopla.

As well as having a laugh with each other it gets us using our hand eye coordination and the sense of wanting to win.

In the afternoon we got out into the garden as the sun was shining. As well as walks in the garden some of us played golf and others had quality one to one time.

Friday morning, ball games were played, dancing was enjoyed, pictures were coloured and jigsaw puzzles were finished. This was a mixed morning but there was happiness and laughter throughout Farnham Mill.

The afternoon was a lot more relaxed as we took time out and reminisced about family, friends and the activities we used to do with them. We finished the day with a nice walk in the garden ready for our dinner.

Saturday, we made cheese twists ready for our snack trolley in the afternoon. This was a simple but fun activity and got us talking about all the baking we used to do with our children.

In the afternoon the Duke of Edinburgh funeral was on the TV. This was an emotional afternoon for some but we also remembered the good life he has had and all the joyous times.

Once the funeral had finished drinks and snacks were brought round as we reflected and spoke about the Duke of Edinburgh and his life.

Sunday was a busy day but relaxed at the same time. In the morning some of us went upstairs to the church service while others got painting and decorating signs for around the home.

In the afternoon we watched ‘The Greatest Showman’ this was a lovely film full of singing and wonder. We all sat while enjoying our snacks and loved every minute of the film.