This week at Farnham mill we had a full packed week full of fun and different Christmassy things. We saw the goats, live performance of ‘A Christmas carol’, singing with Louis round the piano and lots lots more.

Monday morning, we started the day with a morning walk, flower arranging and creating Christmas models out of clay.

In the afternoon we enjoyed a quiz all about Christmas food as well as remembering the Christmas food we used to eat and love. We also got to enjoy a game of dominos; this is always a good time to socialise as well as get our competitive side out.

Tuesday, we got creative as we decorated our own Christmas house, this is to help raise money for our charity here ‘families supporting care’. We also got dancing with the carers, activities and admin staff, it was lots of fun and full of laughs.

We enjoyed the garden in the afternoon with the carers and volunteers here at Farnham mill. It was lovely to get out in the fresh air and look at the beautiful Christmas tree as well as listen to the different sounds.

Wednesday we had a good old sing song to all the Christmas songs we know and love. This is a lovely time to gather around and be with each other, it’s always so warm and enjoyable when we are singing.
We also enjoyed some balloon bounce; this is a good way of getting some exercise into our day as well as laughing at the same time.

In the afternoon we enjoyed a live performance of ‘A Christmas carol’ This was a lovely way to gather together and enjoy a live performance as we haven’t had that luxury this year yet.

Thursday the goats came to visit and this always brings happiness to Farnham Mill.

In the afternoon we had lovely chats with our fellow friends here at Farnham mill. This is a good time to catch up and learn new things about the other person. We also enjoyed a game of throwing rings onto a reindeer’s nose.

Friday was a busy day for all, in the morning we decorated biscuits and the best thing was we got to eat them after with a cup of tea. In the afternoon louis played the piano for us. Everyone gathered around the piano and sung songs including Christmas songs. Friday really was a good day we were all happy and full of Christmas cheer.

Saturday, we got creative as we painted Christmas pictures. We had a big choice of pictures or creating our own Christmas elf, but I decided to do a picture and make it my own.

In the afternoon we enjoyed the interactive table and the sensory room. The sensory room is full of games, puzzles, music and lots more but there is always something different for us to do in there.

Sunday was a much more relaxed day, some of us enjoyed church service while others enjoyed garden walks, tables games and just a good chat with others. This was a good end to a very busy week.