This week at Farnham mill we looked at the past and present and how things have changed over the years. This week has been full of bringing back lots of lovely memories as well as having the shock of how much things have changed for the better and worse.

Monday morning, we started the day with some exercise getting everyone ready for the week ahead. This was followed by a good old game of hitting the balloon. We then sat and enjoyed remembering the good things of the past and present as well as the bad things. This was an eye opener for us all and we were shocked with the changes in the world.

In the afternoon we had a celebration of one of our fellow residents as they had been rewarded a 75th war veteran medal. We all gathered around sung some songs that brought back the memories and enjoyed party food and a lovely cake.

Over breakfast on Tuesday we looked through some beautiful art work that the nursey had painted for us and discussed how beautiful and bright they were. Once we had all finished breakfast, we enjoyed remembering the old-style cars we used to have and how they have changed and that we even have electric cars now.

In the afternoon we enjoyed a good old game of dominos, jigsaw puzzle and using the interactive table to test our brains with a memory test.

Wednesday we enjoyed a variety of activities, some of us enjoyed a quiz to test ourselves and others got to reminisce with old style cameras and reading up on the sports.

In the afternoon we got messy as we enjoyed painting. This is an activity that we all love as well as the peaceful element to painting it is also a social occasion to sit with others and chat.

Thursday the music was playing as we all got up to have a dance and a bit of exercise. Some of us even enjoyed ball games, trying to throw the ball into the hoop. This was working on our hand eye coordination and it was also a huge celebration when we got the ball in first go.

In the afternoon we enjoyed some flower arranging, garden walks and remembering the food we used to eat. This brought back so many memories remember the food we grew up with and cooking for our families.

Friday was time for a game of dominos, we love dominos here it gets our competitive side out too. We also got the memory cards out too this has lots of pictures on it as well as information and questions for us to answer.

In the afternoon we got out and enjoyed the fresh air and we did nearly 10 laps of the garden till it suddenly got cold, so we headed in for a nice cup of tea.

Saturday, we got ready for Christmas and made lots of cards for our loved ones as well as staff to buy. We also enjoyed some music time; we had the music playing in the background and we where singing along as well playing our own music.

Sunday was full of activities, we enjoyed the church service, painting, puzzles, and lots of chats with the staff and our fellow friends. In the afternoon we all gathered around the tv to watch our afternoon film with lots of treats. This was a lovely end to a full packed week.