If is often overlooked or forgotten that Care Homes are generally happy places to live. With residents enjoying companionship and stimulating activities. At Farnham Mill Nursing Home, the care is given to the residents by permanent, trained staff. But care is only part of life, happiness is the ultimate goal.
The best people to describe how to reach this goal, is the residents themselves: One resident said “I love living at Farnham Mill because of all the wonderful staff. They disguise exercise classes as things like armchair tennis/rounders or bowls. My friends and I end up out of breath and laughing at the end”.
Another resident mentioned “I love the feeling of living somewhere I am safe and secure. I don’t have to worry about paying bills or maintaining a house. It allows me to enjoy pottering in the garden and focus on my general knowledge, so I can win prizes at quizzes and crosswords. We often have laugh about our memories or more often our lack of memory!”
All residents at Farnham Mill have a safe visiting plan so they can see their family members in lots of different ways. Depending on the safety from Covid-19 either outside, inside or through a glass screen. Residents safety is paramount. The list of activities the residents enjoy is endless but some people prefer their own company and peace and quiet to achieve the goal of happiness.
It is different for everyone, that’s why the trained Activities Manager, Sally-Anne will support people in which ever way they want. Covid-19 has created a great deal of isolation in our community. Farnham Mill are doing their bit to ensure the mental health of our elderly and their wellbeing.
To sum it up, one resident said: “Living at Farnham Mill gives you a good, warm feeling inside. There are always plenty of staff around to help with whatever I want. It is such a warm happy place to live. I feel very content as the staff even get tested for the virus weekly to keep us safe and all of the residents get tested too. Who could ask for more?”
If you would like more information about Farnham Mill please call Elizabeth on 01252 850 236.