When the average age of people living at Hill House, Farnham Mill, Woodlands and Hill Brow is over 86 years old, how can we keep them safe from Covid-19 without causing social isolation? As the rest of the country seems to be coming out of lockdown, it is very hard to feel secure in the community when the risks for this age group is so high.
This group of Homes recognises that keeping contact with the outside world and loved ones has become more important than ever in these circumstances. Social Media is now part of everyday life for people living in care homes.

Woodlands, Hill Brow, Hill House and Farnham Mill put their resident’s happiness as their highest priority. In order to achieve this, resident’s need contact with their families. Skype, Facetime, WhatsApp, Zoom are used on a daily basis in every home to ensure families stay in touch regularly. To achieve this meant utilising additional staff, all our staff are tested fortnightly to keep the homes clear of Covid-19.

In addition, as Covid-19 is less likely to be caught from being outside the staff teams put up gazebos’ & completed them with the most colourful bunting and decorations. There have been tiny ribbons tied on to trees to celebrate our fight with Covid-19, whenever someone visits as ‘outside visiting’ or ‘window visiting’ they demonstrate we are all still here and in this fight all together

Once the weather changes the team has invested in cleaning guns and health and wellbeing testing for visitors to reduce the risk. For further information Contact Elizabeth Butt on 01252 850236 or elizabeth@woodlands-hillbrow.co.uk.