Dear Woodlands & Hill Brow Limited
The Care Quality Commission is not routinely inspecting services during the COVID-19 pandemic. We are maintaining contact with providers through existing monitoring arrangements and engagement and support calls covering four assessment areas:
• Safe Care and Treatment
• Staffing arrangements
• Protection from Abuse
• Assurance Processes, Monitoring and Risk Management
This Summary Record outlines what we found during the engagement and support call shown above, using standard sentences and an overall summary.
We have assessed that you are managing the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic at the above service. The overall summary includes information about the internal and external stresses you are currently experiencing, how they are being managed, and sources of support that are available.
Emergency Support Framework calls and other monitoring activity are not inspections. Summary Records are not inspection reports. Summary Records are not published on our website.

Assessment Area 1
Safe care and treatment
1.1 Are infection risks to people using the service being thoroughly assessed and managed?
Infection risks to people using the service are being thoroughly assessed and managed.
1.2 Does the service have the resources to obtain, and reliable access to, all the supplies, personal protective equipment and C-19 testing it needs, for both staff and people who use the service?
The service has reliable access to the right personal protective equipment and C-19 testing for both staff and people who use the service.
1.3 Does the location’s environment and layout support preventing and containing transmission of infection?
The location’s environment supports the preventing and containing the transmission of infection.
1.4 Are working arrangements and procedures clear and accessible to staff, people who use the service, their supporters, and visitors to the service?
Working arrangements and procedures are clear and accessible to staff, people who use the service, their supporters, and visitors to the service.
1.5 Are medicines being managed safely and effectively?
Medicines are being managed safely and effectively.
1.6 Are risks to the health of people using the service being properly assessed, monitored and managed?
Risks to the health of people using the service are being properly assessed, monitored and managed.

Assessment Area 2
Staffing arrangements
2.1 Are there sufficient numbers of suitable staff to provide safe care and treatment in a dignified and respectful way?
There were enough suitable staff to provide people with safe care in a respectful and dignified way.
2.2 Are there realistic and workable plans for managing staffing levels if the pandemic or other causes lead to shortfalls and emergencies?
There were realistic and workable plans for managing any staffing shortfalls and emergencies.
Assessment Area 3
Protection from abuse
3.1 Are people using the service being protected from abuse, neglect, discrimination and loss of their human rights?
People were being protected from abuse, neglect, discrimination, and loss of their human rights.
3.2 Are the service’s safeguarding and other policies and practice, together with local systems, properly managing any concerns about abuse and protecting people’s human rights?
Safeguarding and other policies and practice, together with local systems, are properly managing any concerns about abuse and protecting people’s human rights.

Assessment Area 4
Assurance processes, monitoring and risk management
4.1 Is the provider monitoring and protecting the health, safety and wellbeing of staff?
The provider is monitoring and protecting the health, safety and wellbeing of staff.
4.2 Does the provider have effective systems and methods for monitoring the overall quality of the service and for responding to business risks and issues as they arise?
The provider’s systems and methods for monitoring the overall quality of the service and for responding to business risks and issues as they arise are effective.
4.3 Is the provider supporting staff and people who use the service to raise any concerns and give feedback?
Staff are supported to raise concerns and give feedback about the service.
4.4 Is care and treatment provided to people being properly recorded?
Care and treatment provided to people is being properly recorded.
4.5 Is the provider able to work effectively with system partners when care and treatment is being commissioned, shared or transferred?
The provider is able to work effectively with system partners when care and treatment is being commissioned, shared or transferred.
Overall summary
From our discussion and other information about this location, we assess that you are managing the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Infection control products – You have always had stock of PPE. Infection control practice – Deep cleans were increased. You restricted movement across the service. Staff had sessions on infection control and donning and doffing
of PPE. Staff temperature is taken daily. Booklets and guidance was made available to staff. Care and treatment for COVID-19 – You isolated people in one wing of the service and had a dedicated staff team. Testing for COVID-19 – You’ve completed whole home testing and are continuing to test staff every two weeks. Non-COVID-19 care and treatment – You had an iPad donated and use that for Skype calls with relatives. Activities have continued and the sensory room was converted into a ‘pub’ for those who missed their regular trips out. Window visits have been happening for a few weeks now and you’ve held your first outside visits. Families were sent photographs and communications weekly. Staff cover – You pretty much retained normal staffing levels throughout. You worked on the floor in various roles to support staff. Staff support and training – Staff were supported through daily conversations and reassurance. They saw you out on the floor a lot and those staff who were isolating got a daily phone call from your HR lead. You said the owner really care about the staff and they visited the service weekly. Training has continued on-site – not only in relation to COVID, but other statutory training such as safeguarding. Temporary changes to the service – You closed the home to visitors early. You used one wing of the service as an isolation unit. You and the director of care lived on site for a period of time. Management of the service – COVID policies were developed, reviewed and updated regularly. These were based on guidance from PHE, CQC and the WHO. The owners have updated the service weekly. Audits and care plan reviews have continued and some audits adapted to take account of COVID, such as the infection control audit. You’ve continued to have input from the GP, community matron and community mental health team when needed. You said staff have been, “Amazing” throughout this period and that it has brought the whole home together.