A mixed week of sunshine and showers saw our Farnham Mill family enjoy a Royal Seaside Week including a Beach Day and a Birthday Afternoon Tea to celebrate Her Majesty the Queen’s Official Birthday.
On Monday everyone started making the decorations for the Seaside Day on Thursday. Sandcastles were drawn and coloured in, windmills were made to decorate all the tables and pictures of flip flops and buckets were coloured in in bright cheerful colours.
Tuesday morning saw the residents painting and competing the 1st beach hut in a beautiful bright red and yellow design. A lot of hard work finally saw the end result. Everyone clapped and cheered as the beach hut was displayed for all to see. Hooray!!!!
In the afternoon, just before the rain came down, some quiet time to watch our much-loved wildlife family enjoying a swim in the Mill Pond. The family is getting bigger by the day and much faster!
Time to read a traditional story and to write a card for a much precious granddaughter. Happy times at the Mill
The Interactive Table was popular on Thursday morning with residents enjoying popping all the paint splats. A mess that didn’t need to be cleared up.
In the afternoon ice-cream pictures were coloured in ready to decorate the ice-cream parlour for Friday’s Seaside Day. Some interesting new colours and flavours were created.
Friday and the Seaside Day had finally arrived. Everybody eagerly awaited the delivery of the fish and chips and the sunshine. Sadly, the sunshine didn’t make it but the food was much enjoyed by everybody.
An ice cream counter full of all those traditional seaside treats we all love so much that remind us of our childhood and happy times with our families. Candyfloss and icecream were the favourites.
The seaside attractions were popular along with beach balls and buckets and spades. Some stylish cool Summer outfits finished the day off perfectly
Happy times as we welcomed Teresa our lovely friend and hairdresser back to the Mill. Everybody was delighted to see her especially the ladies. We look forward to welcoming her back again next week.
The weekend arrived and we celebrated the Queens official birthday with an afternoon tea party , with wine , tea and cakes. Everybody sang happy bithday and raised a glass to her Majesty the Queen. Cheers!
Royal times at the Mill, with everyone being Royalty for the day.
Celebrating and reminiscing with friends was wonderful.
Time for a restful Sunday after a week of activities and much celebration.
There was still time to do some arts and crafts. Whiles others played board games and did puzzles.
I wonder who won this competitive game of dominoes?