Another week of glorious sunshine at Farnham Mill has seen everybody enjoying the beautiful gardens, balcony and Terrace. Preparations started for the Seaside Day next Friday with residents busily making decorations and putting in their orders for Fish and Chips.
Monday morning started with some chair-based exercises to get everyone’s arms and legs moving after a restful Sunday. They all had happy feet and big smiles as they reached to the sky to grab a star to shine on Farnham Mill.
Afterwards some relaxing colouring and decorating of hearts along with a well deserved cup of tea and cake.
Tuesday saw the residents gathered to do jigsaw puzzles in the lounge. Friends lending a hand to get that very last piece fitted. Others painted pictures for The Seaside Day next Friday. Buckets and Flip Flops were the strong favourites!
Later in the day quiet moments to catch up with some reading and much cherished family news.
Flower arranging on Wednesday morning had everywhere looking bright and cheerful with beautiful Summer colours.
Later on a game on Song Hangman had everyone guessing some old familiar tunes and then a sing along to remember the Good Old Days.
A quieter day on Thursday and some butterfly catching on the Interactive table. Beautiful colours and lights to really capture the imagination and no net needed.
Some more preparation for the Seaside day and some beautiful coloured comfy Flip Flops. Everyone wanted a pair of these ones.
A competitive serious start to Friday with a game of chess and other board games. I wonder who won.
Fun interactive games in the afternoon had the residents copying some great moves while jigging along to some tunes. Happy Times!
The weekend arrived and Saturday morning was a time for remembering special times and reminiscence.
Sharing time with friends on the Interactive table, whilst chatting and enjoying a laugh together.
A relaxing Sunday morning at the Mill as the residents gather to make the first Beach Hut for Seaside Day. They choose a bold red colour and get ready to add windows and a door. Plans start for the official naming.
The ladies share a High Five to celebrate another great week of laughter, sunshine, fun and friendship at the Mill.